Sunday, May 10, 2015

It was too funny to be an English class not in a bad way though! :D

It’s weird because I never felt that the class itself was something of discontent because I always enjoyed going to class. While I’m indifferent on the amount of assignments, I always found myself laughing in class whether due to the small talk, or Andrew’s random humor, or just small comments shared along those of us who sit on the right side of the room. (In respect to the door we use to enter the room)

As a writer, I feel I’ve done a complete 180 since enrolling and participating in this course. Before, I could say that I was a writer who had trouble making all of my ideas flow and connect not only to each other but also to the thesis of the paper. However, now I feel like making the ideas connect or making them concise comes easier, but now finding an idea strong enough to support a whole paper is the primary issue. For instance, with the research paper/proposal, finding a topic that I could enjoy writing about, write a lot about, and find enough research on was the worst. I couldn’t find an interesting topic or just something I could elaborate on and it took perhaps two or three drafts/workshops for me to end up with the topic I decided.

                                            I think this sums it up least my emotion at the time.

But, surprisingly, I still feel stronger as a writer, especially when it comes to self-revisions and the sort. I’m able to find my own mishaps when writing, which originally I was unable to do beforehand. Additionally, I don’t know if this is just me, but I feel as though I’ve become a “slow” writer. By this I mean that it takes me longer to write an essay, paragraph, etc. because I’m now very critical of myself. Almost to the point where I can’t move on because I’m too focused on revising a statement when I’m still on the intro of a 5-10 page paper.

1 comment:

  1. Youre title to this post just about sums up my thoughts, and I agree Andrew's remarks were one of the highlights of the class, followed closely by Shayani's clever retorts to his comments. Anyway have a good summer and good luck with whatever you're doing.
